Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Yet another feather in Toyota's cap. Toyota Camry has been declared as the 2007 Car of the Year by the Motor Trend Magazine.

What Makes Toyota Camry The Car Of The Year

Motor Trend Magazine thinks that the Camry deserves to be the Car of the Year because of its innovative engineering design. Also because the Camry has done a lot to improve its safety, quality and technology. It is no wonder that the Toyota Camry has become the largest selling car in America as of now in 2007.

Toyota Camry Leaves Rivals Far Behind

Toyota Camry won the Car of the Year award by edging out rivals from different countries. It is definitely prestigious award for the model after it beat 26 other models in the fray, which were from Japan, America, Korea, Germany, UK and Sweden.

Toyota Camry registered the highest sales in America. The numbers of Camry units sold in the U.S. from October 2006 to July 2007 were around 350,481. This is quite a massive amount taking into consideration the time period. Toyota Corolla sales were in the second position with 330,995 units being sold.

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry

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